Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hitting Drill

Hit-a-way- This drill is an easy way to practice your swing. The best thing abut this drill is the fact that you do not need anyone to work on your swing. In this drill the baseball player works on his swing by using only one hand to hit the ball. First the player will use his or her bottom bat hand to swing. Then the player will practice using the top hand to hit the baseball. Using one hand foe swings will strengthing your muscles and help your get more power in your swing when you use both hands. The baseball player will then practice hitting the ball by using both hands.  

Bunting Drill

Bunting Cone Drill- This drill is set up so the players can work on placing the bunt in the correct spot on the field. Cones are set up down the thrid base line. The player must work to bunt the baseball between the two cones. A basket is put in the middle of the cones, this is the best place to get the bunt down. These drill helps the players work on bunting the baseball down the line instead of back at the pitcher.

Fielding Drill

Pick up Drill- This drill is a drill that will help a fielder work on feilding a ground ball. The players will not use gloves. This drill will help the players field a baseball better. They will gain soft hands by not using a glove. This drill makes the player use the top hand to field the ball and bring it into the body. This drill also helps with the foot work it takes to field the baseball. The haldf circle drill is just one of the pick up drills. You can work with partners and field the ball from side to side and coming up and back on the ball.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Scientific Terms and Definitions

1. Lateral- pertaining to the side.
2. Elevation-the state of being elevated. 
3.Pectoral Muscles-of, in, on, or pertaining to the chest .
4. Center of Gravity-the point through which the resultant of gravitational forces on a body passes and from which the resultant force of attraction of the body on other bodies emanates.
5. Flexed-to bend, as a part of the body.
6. Extended-the state of being extended.
7. Pronation- rotation of the hand or forearm so that the surface of the palm is facing downward or toward the back.

8. Supination-rotation of the hand or forearm so that the palmar surface is facing upward.
9. Frontal-of, in, or at the front: a frontal view.
10. Rotate-to cause to turn around an axis or center point
11. Abduct- to move or draw away from the axis of the body or limb.
12. Degrees-the 360th part of a complete angle or turn, often represented by the sign°, as in 45°, which is read as 45 degrees.
13. Mid Line-the median plane of the body of an animal.
14. Axial- the second cervical vertebra, which serves as a pivot for the head.
15. Elevation-an elevated place, thing, or part; an eminence.
16. Pivot-to keep one foot in place while holding the ball and moving the other foot one step in any direction.
17. Distal- farther from the body.

18. Force-physical power or strength possessed by a living being.
19. Abdominal-the region of the body of a vertebrate that contains the viscera other than the heart and lungs.
20. Anterior-situated before or at the front of; fore.
21. Superior-higher in place or position; situated above another.
22. Axis of Roation-the center around which something rotates.
23. Balanced-a state of equilibrium or equipoise; equal distribution of weight, amount, etc.
24. Inferior-lower in place or position; situated beneath another.
25. Momentum-force or speed of movement; impetus, as of a physical object or course of events.