Monday, March 7, 2011

Hitting a baseball

                                                                 3. Swing Phase

During this phase your weight should be transferred from lateral side to your frontal side. This will allow you to hit the baseball with power. Your front foot should turn so it is facing the pitcher  Your back leg will rotate towards the pitcher too. Your back leg should be bent at a 90 degree angle, it should look like an L shape. Your hands should start to move from your set position directly to the traveling baseball. Your arms should be fully extended for maximum power. Your body will rotate as you turn your back and front leg to hit the ball. This twisting motion will give you all your power. Your body will rotate over the axis of rotation of the mid line of your body. Your eyes should follow the ball all the way until you hit the baseball. The point of contact should be the point where your eyes are directly seeing the bat touching the ball.
Cue- Watch ball hit the bat

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